Save the Date

10 Augustus 2019

Our story

We met in 2009 when we were both working at UPC. Even though we both knew that there was ‘something there’, nothing happened until we reconnected in 2014. Ever since we’ve been together and at the end of last year, we decided to get married!

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Finally we’re tying the knot

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How / What / Where

You should have received a ‘save the date’ or ‘save the night’ card. Check below to see wat what time we’ll be expecting you.

You're welcome from 15:00 on.

We'd love to see you at the ceremony, dinner & during the party.


We'd love to see you starting at 20:30

Unfortunately we don't get to celebrate the whole day with everyone. Still, we'd like to toast and eat cake with you in the evening 🙂

The wedding

Watch this space. Because after you receive the formal invitation, more information will appear here.

In the meantime, we ask that you keep in mind that this will be an adult party. Rated at 12+ years old. Our wedding is a small and intimite gathering and we would like to have our full attention for each other and our guests. We hope to spend this day with you from the beginning until the end. We therefore ask that you make arrangements for your little ones. In case you really can’t find a solution, please contact us.

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Are you coming?

We hope you’ll be there. We’d love to celebrate our special day together with you.

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